Qualicum Beach E-Trike Demo Day Nov 6 2021

If you are interested in taking an electric trike for a test ride mark your calendar and call Steve to book a demo!Wh...

Guelph E-Trike Demo & Sale Weekend Nov 6-7 2021

If you are interested in taking an electric trike for a test ride mark your calendar! When: November 6 and 7 from 1...

Why E-Trikes and E-Bikes May be Hard to Find in 2022. (Everything is Either Out of Stock or Costs More)

Did you know that approximately 90% of the world’s goods are transported by sea? The current global shipping and supp...

Electric Tricycle Pre-Ride and Maintenance Guide

You’re planning a big ride tomorrow, you’re ready to roll. But is your e-trike ready?

Who wants a new e-bike?

Well, apparently everyone does. Since the beginning of the Covid 19 Pandemic demand for all things related to bikes h...

Reclaim Your Freedom On An Electric Trike

Across Canada thousands of people live with balance or mobility issues in their day to day lives, you may even know s...

Riding an Electric Trike in Today's Changing World

So how does an electric trike for adults fit into this narrative? Let's take a look at some of the benefits of riding...

Can You Ride An Electric Trike And Maintain Social Distance?

It seems that right now there is only one conversation on everyone’s mind.  The new “normal” of isolation and social ...

Getting the most out of an electric tricycle

With such a wide range of electric trike styles on the market today, how do you know which one is right for you? The ...

Electric Trike vs Canadian Winter

It’s winter and we want to keep riding, and we all know that Canada is a land of dramatic seasonal change with great ...

The Advantages Of Riding A Trike

Health Benefits Of An Electric Trike Just like riding an electric bike, riding an electric trike either for your dail...

Electric Trike - A Buyers Guide

An electric trike is a trike with a built in electric motor offering pedal assist power for the rider.
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For a limited time ALL new e-trikes are $1000 off. While stock lasts.

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